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What do you follow when using a liquid wrapper?
Date:2019-07-16 14:51:01     Source:本站     Clicks:9

1. If abnormal phenomena are found in the liquid packaging machine when it is working, the power supply should be cut off immediately, and the abnormal can be corrected before continuing to use.
2. Every shift should check the components and lubrication of the liquid packaging machine. 20 # lubricant should be added to keep the lubrication of the parts and prolong the service life, otherwise the service life will be shortened.
3. Check the end face of the cross-heat seal copper block in each shift. If there is any foreign body on the face, clean it up in time, otherwise it will cause uneven sealing or unstable sealing.
4. If the liquid packaging machine stops using, the residue in the pipeline should be washed away in time with clean water to keep the pipeline clean, so as to ensure the packaging quality in the next use.
5. When used in winter, if the temperature is below 0 C, hot water must be used to melt the quantitative pump and the ice in the pipeline. If not melted, the connecting rod may be broken, unable to use, or the machine can not start.
