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Automated Particle Packaging Machine Depends on Independent Innovation
Date:2019-07-16 14:45:25     Source:本站     Clicks:11

According to the analysis of China's fully automatic packaging machine industry, China has been ranked as a big packing country - granular packaging machine, nuts fried packaging machine, almond packaging machine, but this is only a quantitative advantage, in order to fundamentally change from a big packaging country to a powerful packaging country, it is still necessary to have independent packaging technology and equipment manufacturing technology. Innovation. But how on earth should we innovate in technology?
First of all, cultivate and develop high-end equipment manufacturing industry, and create a well-known brand in the industry. Fully automatic packaging industry should attach great importance to cultivating and developing high-end equipment manufacturing industry, strengthen core key technologies, develop granular packaging machine, nut frying packaging machine, almond packaging machine, break through the weak links in key product areas, and create the necessary conditions for seizing the commanding heights of future industrial development, maintaining sustainable development and becoming bigger and stronger. Pieces.
Secondly, improving the quality and efficiency of industrial development is the inherent requirement of changing the mode of economic development. At present, the export volume of domestic fully automatic packaging machines is still very small, and last year there was a deficit of 1.95 billion US dollars, which shows that a considerable part of the industry is still at the low end of the industry, which relies on simple processing and low-cost labor to increase efficiency, and the road to go is still long. The profit level of the product is very low, coupled with the multiple pressures of rising prices, relative shortage of energy and high environmental protection requirements, the original comparative advantage of the product is gradually weakening, while the comparative disadvantage is becoming increasingly prominent. Recommendations: granular packaging machine, nut frying packaging machine, almond packaging machine.
Finally, strengthening the research of industrial commonness technology is a strong guarantee to enhance the innovation ability of China's automatic packaging machine industry. At present, the research on common technology of automatic packaging machine industry in our country lags behind, does not form a scale, and lacks systematicness and continuity. The results obtained are very limited, and need to be strengthened urgently.
At present, in order to meet the development needs of the market, automatic packaging machine is the focus of packaging machinery industry development. The development of granule packing machine, Bigen fruit packing machine, melon seed packing machine and automatic packaging machine mainly depends on the huge domestic market demand. If domestic packaging machinery enterprises want to further develop, they must base themselves on the current situation, solve the problems of backward technology and insufficient funds, and the development of entrepreneurship needs independent innovation.
